Thursday, January 1, 2015

PHOTO DIARY: 12/29/14 Kawit Cavite Christmas Bazaar and Lightshow

Kawit is one of my favorite places in Cavite because of it's historical value, the beautiful old Spanish era styled houses and the Aguinaldo Shrine. During Christmas time, the municipality puts up the bazaar and lights the famous Aguinaldo house. This year it has been opened to public since November (I guess) but I wasn't able to visit because of the busy schedule, thanksgiving party, christmas shopping, (lame excuses will go on) etc. Before the year ended, me and Booboo went there during my off, took some photos, appreciate the place and did some massive food trip. There are also clothing, shoes and lots of stuff at the bazaar, but did not bother taking photos because of creepy sellers looking at me (whut?). Well to give you a hint, it is really nice visiting Kawit because everything is affordable and you'll get really far with 100 pesos per person!

I really love how the house changes its color through the LED lights! Plus there is background music all over the place. You'll definitely feel the season!  

booboo's stolen shot

Of course for the main event, I have to post these food photos! Really cheap but yumyum/nomnom! lol

Based on my previous blog, you all know how addicted I am to pizza be it 150 per slice or 15 per slice. In this case its the later (very cheap) and it is so yummy! This is Brother's Pizza btw. 

We also ate at the food stalls, yummy and cheap, and believe me the place is quite clean.

Yummy pancit for P20!

Barbeque for P20 and fried rice (a little bit oily) hahaha P15 

Here are the tables. Cleana and breezy. 

Also got some ice cream. This one is really milky! Love it!

There are also "turo-turo" and we ate some more but didn't take a photo anymore, he got annoyed. Hahaha LOL. The only thing I didn't like is some people kept throwing trash anywhere they feel like throwing even though there are lots of garbage can around. This makes me feel bad because Kawit is a really famous place and people should preserve its value. 

recycled bottles ftw!

Funny story 1: We sat on a cemented bench, and I don't know what gotten in me that I stood up and sat on the next one. When I tried to change my sitting position while I was eating my ice cream, I felt some stinging pain on my thigh. I stood up and found that I sat on a bench full of ants! Boy my thigh was ringing with pain and itchiness (until now that I'm blogging).

Funny story 2: As my booboo was taking photos of me in this pose, a little kid passed by and yelled "BASTOS KA" (disrespectful). Hahahaha LOL maybe he thought I didn't know that my boyfriend was taking photos of me. 

Nothing too fancy on a rest day but we had so much fun! Will go back again this 2015! 

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